Saturday, February 22, 2014

Week 2, and 3

Yes, I skipped posting week 2, and VERY late for Week 3.... Good news, my life is somewhat back on track (pretty sure it never will be fully on track lol)

I have not been keeping up with the blog, but have been keeping up with the squares, and having a really fun time at it.  I love this project, mostly because it is forcing me to step out a bit, and do things that I would normally not do!!!

Week 2

Here are my squares for week 2... the blue and purple one was suppose to the the four hearts, for valentines day, BUT>>>> it did not turn out so well  lol  I was doing this while watching tv, and skipped a row....  Oh well... and I am in LOVE with the dark blue and green color, can you tell??  I was hard to try and not use it for all of them!!!

Week 3

I think week 3 was one of my faves so far, really really fun!!!  I got to try a few squares I have been drooling over, and got to use my new yarn!!!  (I love this yarn, surprise stripe.... although it did surprise me with a stripe of black that looking very clashy with "color b" which was also black, BUT, it all worked out!!!)

Top left (there is no pattern for it, but pretty simple, your basic filled in granny [3 doubles chain 2, and repeat] and front post double crochet every 3rd... picture is pretty explanatory)
Top right  this one is in french, and the translation is a bit off... and because of that, I did not realize it was a 9 inch  :(  so I missed out on the awesome effect it really had, but I still really like it!!
bottom left (and the one I am totally in love with at the moment!!!)  Yes, I made mine purple, and added crazy hair!!!

I am getting so excited and happy about this whole project.... so, I took a picture!!!
And on a side note, I am starting early for week 4!!!  :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 1 (A bit late)

So, this week was CRAZY.... my life its self has been turned upside down!!!!  But everything is getting straightened out!!!  I was sick on Monday so I did not post them, and I actually posted these on Pinterest for my group on Sunday (Just in case they did not want to see the disaster that I heard was the super bowl)

I did my 4 squares, and posted 3 more to make 7, for those who want to do 1 a day, or if you did not like one, you are not stuck with it.

The first one, the purple and blue one, kinda fun, funky...
When I did it, I did not realize I was doing the same colors  lol, and I did my last 2 the same color (Purple), but now I am wishing I would have switched it.

The blue and pink one, I really like how it turned out!!!  I did change it up a bit.  Instead of doing the lace type border, I just did one more round, making it the same size as my others.

The next one was really fun (although I have not put a face on it yet, or the buck teeth I will add extra), Since it was groundhogs day Sunday, I thought this would be great, and since the dang thing saw his shadow (Although it seems backwards to me... If he sees his shadow, it should mean it will be more sunny right????  IDK) I made my background for him grey and cloudy, like winter.  The pattern says bear, but throw on some buck teeth, and BAM!!!! ground hog  lol

The last one is just simple and pretty, but it does teach the cluster stitch, which is a fun stitch, and good to know!!!

And here is a video tutorial on how to do a cluster

The other 3 squares (Even a football one for the super bowl...

I feel very worn down this week....  But Hopefully by next week I should be my super awesome perky self, and will have a lot more to say about it all!!!!

In other news, I FINALLY finished my african flower blanket!!!! With little help from anyone else....

And made a few hats, one being a Hello kitty hat that made one adorable 3 year old HAPPY!!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How it is all starting!!!

HELLO!!!!! anyone who may be reading this.... 

I wanted to explain my self a bit, and what I am about to undergo.  I have asked a few of my fellow crocheters to join me through a type of "Crochet-A-Day" project.  First, I don't think it will be an everyday thing for me.  In a perfect world, it would be AWESOME to get to crochet everyday.... HOWEVER, this is the real world, I do work, I do have a kid, tons of pets, and will be going back to school full time.  I am indeed committing my self to 4 "granny" squares a week (besides, if I did one a day, that would be 365 squares, and a VERY large blanket).  I will post several different squares for my lovely friends (Or to anyone who may be reading this and wants to follow along), b/c honestly we are all different people, and my likes may be different from yours, as well as skills and so forth.  As well, its going to be more of a Calendar Blanket for me, so when soccer season comes up, I will probably make a soccer themed one.  If someone else does not even have kids, and hates the game, it would not make since to put a soccer square on their blanket (Yes, I am an over explainer, and a rambler!!!)

So, just a few little things----

*I will post what I will name "freebie" squares.  They will be squares that represent fluctuating days that everyone has, like Birthdays, or birthdays for a loved one (Trying to find an AWESOME cupcake one), maybe a happy face one for a REALLY great day.
(If there is something that I don't have, and you would like, please let me know, and I will try as hard as I can to find it for US)

*I will post 7(ish) squares on Monday (I would love to do it on Sunday, but lets be honest, I don't really get anything done except at work... See, I'm hear now!!!!!)

*I am not your mom, your teacher (that is grading you) or any other type of ruler.  If you used 3 freebies last week for your triplets birthdays, but REALLY liked a square from last week... go for it this week!!!! I will not kick you off for not following the rules  lol 

*Along with the squares I post, I will also post any how-to videos that I think would be helpful, the basic squares, maybe a double crochet video, I know one of the squares I am excited about has the Front post double crochet, so I will find a good video for it!!!

*And lastly, (I think) I am here to help!!!!  I am a super fan of crochet!!! and promote it as much as I can!!!!  If you need help, just ask!!!! (And Super corny in 3....2....1...) the only dumb question is the unasked one.  But, for real.... I am a blond (I die it!!!), and sometimes things just don't click for me.  I am also VERY visual, so sometimes I have to see it done.  I am here to help in anyway I can!!!  And if I cant help, I know many who can!!!

In conclusion....

This is my very first time blogging, I feel like if I blog about it, I may stay more committed to the project.  So... Bare with me as I figure this out... and if I like it... I may start blogging about personal stuff (like the things I make personally.... not feelings... eeshh)

And, so you are not board (B/c talking is boring) here are some pics of my latest's...

 My Beautiful baby girl  :)

 And, who does not like bunnies cuddled up to yarn!!!!  <3