Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How it is all starting!!!

HELLO!!!!! anyone who may be reading this.... 

I wanted to explain my self a bit, and what I am about to undergo.  I have asked a few of my fellow crocheters to join me through a type of "Crochet-A-Day" project.  First, I don't think it will be an everyday thing for me.  In a perfect world, it would be AWESOME to get to crochet everyday.... HOWEVER, this is the real world, I do work, I do have a kid, tons of pets, and will be going back to school full time.  I am indeed committing my self to 4 "granny" squares a week (besides, if I did one a day, that would be 365 squares, and a VERY large blanket).  I will post several different squares for my lovely friends (Or to anyone who may be reading this and wants to follow along), b/c honestly we are all different people, and my likes may be different from yours, as well as skills and so forth.  As well, its going to be more of a Calendar Blanket for me, so when soccer season comes up, I will probably make a soccer themed one.  If someone else does not even have kids, and hates the game, it would not make since to put a soccer square on their blanket (Yes, I am an over explainer, and a rambler!!!)

So, just a few little things----

*I will post what I will name "freebie" squares.  They will be squares that represent fluctuating days that everyone has, like Birthdays, or birthdays for a loved one (Trying to find an AWESOME cupcake one), maybe a happy face one for a REALLY great day.
(If there is something that I don't have, and you would like, please let me know, and I will try as hard as I can to find it for US)

*I will post 7(ish) squares on Monday (I would love to do it on Sunday, but lets be honest, I don't really get anything done except at work... See, I'm hear now!!!!!)

*I am not your mom, your teacher (that is grading you) or any other type of ruler.  If you used 3 freebies last week for your triplets birthdays, but REALLY liked a square from last week... go for it this week!!!! I will not kick you off for not following the rules  lol 

*Along with the squares I post, I will also post any how-to videos that I think would be helpful, the basic squares, maybe a double crochet video, I know one of the squares I am excited about has the Front post double crochet, so I will find a good video for it!!!

*And lastly, (I think) I am here to help!!!!  I am a super fan of crochet!!! and promote it as much as I can!!!!  If you need help, just ask!!!! (And Super corny in 3....2....1...) the only dumb question is the unasked one.  But, for real.... I am a blond (I die it!!!), and sometimes things just don't click for me.  I am also VERY visual, so sometimes I have to see it done.  I am here to help in anyway I can!!!  And if I cant help, I know many who can!!!

In conclusion....

This is my very first time blogging, I feel like if I blog about it, I may stay more committed to the project.  So... Bare with me as I figure this out... and if I like it... I may start blogging about personal stuff (like the things I make personally.... not feelings... eeshh)

And, so you are not board (B/c talking is boring) here are some pics of my latest's...

 My Beautiful baby girl  :)

 And, who does not like bunnies cuddled up to yarn!!!!  <3